My family is part of the cult following of NBC's Biggest Loser. I think that we have religiously watched every season and still list it as "must watch" Tuesday night television. In between seasons, we go through withdrawal. Sure, its game show aspect and the built-in commercial messages are kind of hokey at times, but I personally think that the concept of this show thrives on the fact that almost everyone can relate, in some sense or another, with what these people are facing. Viewers may not all be 400 pounds and some may not even struggle with weight (I am not that lucky). We all have our everyday challenges, however, and this show is about facing those challenges, changing habits, and proactively regaining control of life. When we see the transformations of these Biggest Loser contestants, I believe that we feel a little bit more confident and hopeful that we can better take control of our own lives.
Anyway, I'm getting all deep and mushy (like Bob and Jillian when they get a contestant to break down and talk about his or her underlying emotions), but the real point of this article is that it looks like the coming off-season will offer a new Jillian Michaels show. In "Losing it with Jillian Michaels," it sounds like Jillian will be going to family's homes in order to work her magic in a real world environment (no Biggest Loser' Ranch). I can't wait. This sounds like my kind of TV, but what do I know ... I'm just Blind Bambi.