USA Today article this week summarizes some of the results contained in a report released by Mission: Readiness, a group of more than 300 retired generals and admirals. In 2010, the group released a report titled "Too Fat to Fight." This follow-up, called "Still Too Fat to Fight," contains some sobering facts about child obesity in America.
Apparently, three-quarters of those ages 17 to 24, cannot serve in the military. A quarter of them are simply too overweight or obese. Others don't have a high school diploma, have criminal records, or suffer from other health problems. Additionally, many accepted recruits must be diverted to special training to address inadequate physical fitness before they can even begin basic training. The group considers childhood obesity not only as a health crisis but also a national security issue.
The retired-military group is urging the government to move quickly in updating nutritional standards for all food served in schools (including those sold in a la carte lines, vending machines and stores).
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